updating rdd mlm

This commit is contained in:
mjgaughan 2024-04-15 19:36:11 -05:00
parent bb1b45b348
commit 63c527fcb5
2 changed files with 68 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -1,68 +1,3 @@
geom_vline(xintercept = 26)
window <- 26
longer <- longer %>%
filter(week >= (26 - window) & week <= (26 + window))
window_num <- 26
longer <- longer %>%
filter(week >= (26 - window_num) & week <= (26 + window_num))
#testing out analysis below
longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),] |>
ggplot(aes(x = week, y = count)) +
geom_point() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 26)
longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),] |>
mutate(D = ifelse(week >= 26, 1, 0)) |>
lm(formula = count ~ D * I(week - 26)) |>
longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),] |>
select(count, week) |>
mutate(D = as.factor(ifelse(week >= 26, 1, 0))) |>
ggplot(aes(x = week, y = count, color = D)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 26)
window_num <- 27
longer <- longer %>%
filter(week >= (26 - window_num) & week <= (26 + window_num))
# test_two <- c()
# iterator <- 0
# for (entry in test) {
# readme_df$cnt_before_all[iterator] <- as.numeric(unlist(entry))
# print(as.numeric(unlist(entry)))
# iterator <- iterator + 1
# }
# test_two
#Yes, need to expand the dataframe, but again, for the sake of clarity, do not want to until analysis step
# https://rpubs.com/phle/r_tutorial_regression_discontinuity_design
new_test <- readme_df[450,]
longer <- new_test |>
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("ct"),
names_to = "window",
values_to = "count") |>
longer$observation_type <- gsub("^.*_", "", longer$window)
longer <- ddply(longer, "observation_type", transform, week=seq(from=0, by=1, length.out=length(observation_type)))
longer$count <- as.numeric(longer$count)
window_num <- 27
longer <- longer %>%
filter(week >= (26 - window_num) & week <= (26 + window_num))
#testing out analysis below
longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),] |>
ggplot(aes(x = week, y = count)) +
geom_point() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 26)
longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),] |>
mutate(D = ifelse(week >= 26, 1, 0)) |>
lm(formula = count ~ D * I(week - 26)) |>
longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),] |>
select(count, week) |>
mutate(D = as.factor(ifelse(week >= 26, 1, 0))) |>
ggplot(aes(x = week, y = count, color = D)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 26)
window_num <- 20
longer <- longer %>% longer <- longer %>%
filter(week >= (26 - window_num) & week <= (26 + window_num)) filter(week >= (26 - window_num) & week <= (26 + window_num))
#testing out analysis below #testing out analysis below
@ -510,3 +445,68 @@ draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + upstream_vcs_link, REML=FALSE, da
draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + upstream_vcs_link, REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),]) draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + upstream_vcs_link, REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),])
draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + (1|upstream_vcs_link), REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),]) draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + (1|upstream_vcs_link), REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),])
summary(draft_model) summary(draft_model)
# this is the file with the lmer multi-level rddAnalysis
# 0 loading the readme data in
readme_df <- read_csv("../final_data/deb_readme_did.csv")
# this is the file with the lmer multi-level rddAnalysis
# 0 loading the readme data in
readme_df <- read_csv("../final_data/deb_readme_did.csv")
# 1 preprocessing
colnames(readme_df) <- c("upstream_vcs_link", "event_date", "event_hash", "before_all_ct", "before_mrg_ct", "after_all_ct", "after_mrg_ct", "before_auth_new", "after_commit_new", "after_auth_new", "before_commit_new")
col_order <- c("upstream_vcs_link", "event_date", "event_hash", "before_all_ct", "after_all_ct", "before_mrg_ct", "after_mrg_ct", "before_auth_new", "after_auth_new", "before_commit_new", "after_commit_new")
readme_df <- readme_df[,col_order]
readme_df$ct_before_all <- str_split(gsub("[][]","", readme_df$before_all_ct), ", ")
readme_df$ct_after_all <- str_split(gsub("[][]","", readme_df$after_all_ct), ", ")
readme_df$ct_before_mrg <- str_split(gsub("[][]","", readme_df$before_mrg_ct), ", ")
readme_df$ct_after_mrg <- str_split(gsub("[][]","", readme_df$after_mrg_ct), ", ")
drop <- c("before_all_ct", "before_mrg_ct", "after_all_ct", "after_mrg_ct")
readme_df = readme_df[,!(names(readme_df) %in% drop)]
# 2 some expansion needs to happens for each project
expand_timeseries <- function(project_row) {
longer <- project_row |>
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("ct"),
names_to = "window",
values_to = "count") |>
longer$observation_type <- gsub("^.*_", "", longer$window)
longer <- ddply(longer, "observation_type", transform, week=seq(from=0, by=1, length.out=length(observation_type)))
longer$count <- as.numeric(longer$count)
#longer <- longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),]
expanded_data <- expand_timeseries(readme_df[1,])
for (i in 2:nrow(readme_df)){
expanded_data <- rbind(expanded_data, expand_timeseries(readme_df[i,]))
# 2 some expansion needs to happens for each project
expand_timeseries <- function(project_row) {
longer <- project_row |>
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("ct"),
names_to = "window",
values_to = "count") |>
longer$observation_type <- gsub("^.*_", "", longer$window)
longer <- ddply(longer, "observation_type", transform, week=seq(from=0, by=1, length.out=length(observation_type)))
longer$count <- as.numeric(longer$count)
#longer <- longer[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),]
expanded_data <- expand_timeseries(readme_df[1,])
for (i in 2:nrow(readme_df)){
expanded_data <- rbind(expanded_data, expand_timeseries(readme_df[i,]))
#filter out the timewindows
window_num <- 8
expanded_data <- expanded_data |>
filter(week >= (26 - window_num) & week <= (26 + window_num)) |>
mutate(D = ifelse(week >= 26, 1, 0))
# 3 rdd in lmer analysis
draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + (1|as.factor(upstream_vcs_link)), REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),])
draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + (1|as.factor(upstream_vcs_link)), REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(expanded_data$observation_type == "all"),])
draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + (1|upstream_vcs_link), REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(expanded_data$observation_type == "all"),])

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# this is the file with the lmer multi-level rddAnalysis # this is the file with the lmer multi-level rddAnalysis
# 0 loading the readme data in # 0 loading the readme data in
try(setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path))) try(setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)))
readme_df <- read_csv("../final_data/deb_readme_did.csv") readme_df <- read_csv("../final_data/deb_readme_did.csv")
@ -36,5 +38,5 @@ expanded_data <- expanded_data |>
mutate(D = ifelse(week >= 26, 1, 0)) mutate(D = ifelse(week >= 26, 1, 0))
# 3 rdd in lmer analysis # 3 rdd in lmer analysis
library(lme4) library(lme4)
draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + (1|upstream_vcs_link), REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(longer$observation_type == "all"),]) draft_model <- lmer(count ~ D * I(week - 26) + (1|upstream_vcs_link), REML=FALSE, data=expanded_data[which(expanded_data$observation_type == "all"),])
summary(draft_model) summary(draft_model)