import requests import datetime as dt import json import os from wrapt_timeout_decorator import * import time key = os.environ.get('KKEXKEY') def main(vcs, early_cutoff): time.sleep(1) gsql_dict = {} vcs_list = vcs.split('/') repo_name = '"' + vcs_list[-1] + '"' repo_owner = '"' + vcs_list[-2] + '"' gsql_dict["original_returned_content"] = get_discussion_gql(repo_owner, repo_name) gsql_dict["time_cleaned_comm"] = within_time(gsql_dict["original_returned_content"], early_cutoff) return gsql_dict['original_returned_content'] def get_discussion_gql(repo_owner, repo_name): url = "" data_string = (""" query { repository(owner: """ + repo_owner + """, name: """ + repo_name + """) { issues(last: 50) { edges { node { id title url number state author { login url } labels(first:5) { edges { node { name } } } comments(first: 20) { # edges.node is where the actual `Comment` object is edges { node { id author { login url } body } } } body } } } } } """) data = {"query" : data_string} data_json = json.dumps(data) headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8', 'Authorization': 'bearer ' + key} try: r =, data=data_json, headers=headers) print(r.content) return r.json() except: print("issue somewhere with getting gsql stuff") return {} def within_time(comment_content, early_cutoff): try: list_of_comments = json.loads(comment_content)["data"]["repository"]["discussions"]["edges"] valid_comments = [] for comment in list_of_comments: if dt.datetime.fromisoformat(comment['node']['createdAt'][:-1]) < early_cutoff: break else: valid_comments.append(comment) return valid_comments except TypeError: print("no discussions found") return [] if __name__ == "__main__": repo_name = '"' + 'numpy' + '"' repo_owner = '"' + 'numpy' + '"' get_discussion_gql(repo_owner, repo_name) # stashed info about page cursors ''' pageInfo { # type: PageInfo (from the public schema) startCursor endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } ''' ''' issue(number: 2) { title createdAt # first 10 results comments(first: 10) { # edges.node is where the actual `Comment` object is edges { node { author { avatarUrl } body } } } } ''' ''' discussions(first: 10) { # type: DiscussionConnection totalCount # Int! edges { # type: DiscussionEdge cursor node { # type: Discussion id title # String! bodyText # String! createdViaEmail # Boolean! createdAt # DateTime! answer { #type: DiscussionComment bodyText # String! } comments(first: 10){ # type: DiscussionCommentConnection totalCount # Int! edges { # type: DiscussionCommentEdge node { # type: DiscussionComment id bodyText # String! } } } } } } '''