import re import numpy as np import pandas as pd import glob import copy from statistics import mean, median from strip_markdown import strip_markdown import joblib from getMetadata import metadata_for_file # Gensim import gensim import gensim.corpora as corpora from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess from gensim.models import CoherenceModel from gensim.models.phrases import Phrases from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer from statistics import mode # spacy and nltk for lemmatization import nltk'stopwords') import spacy from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer stopwords = stopwords.words('english') # #loading data in, getting misc descriptors def get_data_from_dir(directory): files = glob.glob(f"{directory}/*") data_list = [] word_counts = [] avg_word_lengths = [] file_list = [] for file in files: text = open(file, encoding='utf-8').read() #here's some of the descriptive text analysis word_count, avg_word_length = metadata_for_file(text) word_counts.append(word_count) avg_word_lengths.append(avg_word_length) #adding the data to the list of text data_list.append(text) #adding filename file_list.append(file) return data_list, word_counts, avg_word_lengths, file_list #preprocessing text data def preprocess(corpus_list): #extending stopwords specific_stopwords = ["http", "com", "www", "org", "file", "code", "time", "software", "use", "user", "set", "line", "run", "source", "github", "lineno", "python", "php", "ruby", "api"] stopwords.extend(specific_stopwords) D = copy.copy(corpus_list) #stripping markdown from documents D = [strip_markdown(doc) for doc in D] #strip html D = [re.sub(r'', '', doc, flags=re.DOTALL) for doc in D] #mvp right now, can certainly be expanded as iterations of text analysis are done D = [[token for token in simple_preprocess(doc) if token not in stopwords and len(token) > 2]for doc in D] lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() D_lemma = [" ".join([lemmatizer.lemmatize(token) for token in doc]) for doc in D] return D_lemma #preparing processed data for model usage def text_preparation(lemmatized_text): #bigrams D_bigrams = copy.copy(lemmatized_text) bigram = Phrases(D_bigrams, min_count=2) for i in range(len(lemmatized_text)): for token in bigram[D_bigrams[i]]: if '_' in token: D_bigrams[i].append(token) #id2word id2word = corpora.Dictionary(D_bigrams) id2word.filter_extremes(no_below=5, no_above=0.5) #bow representation bag_of_words = [id2word.doc2bow(doc) for doc in D_bigrams] return bag_of_words, id2word #identify best LDA model here def lda_model_identification(data_vectorized): lda = LatentDirichletAllocation() search_params = {'n_components': [4], 'learning_decay': [.5, .7, .9], 'batch_size' : [128, 256] } model = GridSearchCV(lda, param_grid=search_params, verbose=10) best_lda_model = model.best_estimator_ print("Best Model's Params: ", model.best_params_) print("Best Log Likelihood Score: ", model.best_score_) print("Model Perplexity: ", best_lda_model.perplexity(data_vectorized)) #implement best LDA model here def best_lda_model(data_vectorized, vocab): # Based on Greene's Topic Stability: the right number of topics is 4 #Best Log Likelihood Score: -502085.9749390023 #Model Perplexity: 1689.0943431883845 # Best Model's Params: {'batch_size': 256, 'learning_decay': 0.5, 'n_components': 4} lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_components=4, learning_decay = 0.5, batch_size = 256, max_iter = 50) id_topic = lda.fit_transform(data_vectorized) topic_words = {} for topic, comp in enumerate(lda.components_): word_idx = np.argsort(comp)[::-1][:10] topic_words[topic] = [vocab[i] for i in word_idx] for topic, words in topic_words.items(): print('Topic: %d' % topic) print(' %s' % ', '.join(words)) #lda.print_topics(num_words=10) joblib.dump(lda, '0514_contrib_lda.jl') #lda = joblib.load('0509_lda.jl') return id_topic def get_most_prevalent(distributions, documents): most_prevalent = {0: [0, ""],1: [0, ""], 2: [0, ""], 3: [0, ""]} for i, topic_distribution in enumerate(distributions): for j in range(4): if topic_distribution[j] > most_prevalent[j][0]: most_prevalent[j] = [topic_distribution[j], documents[i]] print(most_prevalent) return most_prevalent def prevalent_topics(vect_documents, file_list): lda = joblib.load('0514_contrib_lda.jl') distributions = lda.transform(vect_documents) #figuring out what the max distribution is and then figuring out the mode top_topic = [] count_of_multiple = 0 topic_arrays = [] for i, topic_distribution in enumerate(distributions): max_dist = max(topic_distribution) indexes = np.where(topic_distribution == max_dist)[0] if len(indexes) == 1: top_topic.append(indexes[0]) else: count_of_multiple += 1 topic_arrays.append(topic_distribution) #most_frequent(top_topic) print(count_of_multiple) df = pd.DataFrame(topic_arrays) #print(df.sort_values(by=['0']).head(5)) for i in range(4): print("-----------------------Topic " + str(i) + " --------------------------------") top5 = df.nlargest(10, i) top_indices = top5.index.to_list() print(top5) for index in top_indices: print(file_list[index]) bottom5 = df.nsmallest(10, i) bottom_indices = bottom5.index.to_list() print(bottom5) for index in bottom_indices: print(file_list[index]) #averages = df.mean() #print(averages) def most_frequent(topic_prevalence): most_frequent_array = [] for j in range(4): topic = mode(topic_prevalence) most_frequent_array.append(topic) topic_prevalence = [i for i in topic_prevalence if i != topic] print(most_frequent_array) if __name__ == "__main__": #eadme_directory = "/data/users/mgaughan/kkex/time_specific_files/partitioned_readme/p1" contributing_directory = "/data/users/mgaughan/kkex//time_specific_files/contributing3" listed_corpus, wordcounts, wordlengths, file_list = get_data_from_dir(contributing_directory) print("Mean wordcount: ", mean(wordcounts)) print("Median wordcount: ", median(wordcounts)) print("Mean wordlength: ", mean(wordlengths)) print("Median wordlength: ", median(wordlengths)) lemmatized_corpus = preprocess(listed_corpus) ''' vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', min_df=2, stop_words='english', lowercase=True, token_pattern='[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,}', ) data_vectorized = vectorizer.fit_transform(lemmatized_corpus) joblib.dump(vectorizer, 'contrib_vectorizer.jl') ''' vectorizer = joblib.load('contrib_vectorizer.jl') data_vectorized = vectorizer.transform(lemmatized_corpus) #lda_model_identification(data_vectorized) #topic_distributions = best_lda_model(data_vectorized, vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()) #get_most_prevalent(topic_distributions, file_list) prevalent_topics(data_vectorized, file_list)