
56 lines
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# Purpose:
# Use pilot project data to calculate power of a full study through simulation
# Parts:
# (0) - Setup
# (1) - Get the pilot data and clean it
# (2) - Run the model on the pilot data and extract effects
# (3) - Set up and run the simulation
# ====> Set variables at the arrows <====
# (1) - Get the pilot data and clean it
#source ('/data/users/mgaughan/kkex_data_110823_3')
data1 <- read_csv('../power_data_111023_mmt_ufm.csv',show_col_types = FALSE)
#d$nd <- to_logical(d$not.damaging, custom_true=c("Y"))
#levels(d$source) <- c("IP-based Editors", "New Editors", "Registered Editors", "Tor-based Editors")
# (2) - Run the model on the pilot data
pilotM <- glm(up.fac.mean ~ ((mmt) / (milestones/age)), # give the anticipated regression a try
family=gaussian(link='identity'), data=data1)
summary(pilotM) #we expect effect sizes on this order
pilot.b0 <- coef(summary(pilotM))[1,1]
pilot.b1 <- coef(summary(pilotM))[2,1]
pilot.b2 <- coef(summary(pilotM))[3,1]
pilot.b3 <- coef(summary(pilotM))[4,1]
# (3) - Set up and run the simulation
source('powerAnalysis.R') #my little "lib"
nSims <- 5000 #how many simulations to run
n <- 100 #a guess for necessary sample size (per group)
#makeData(10) #DEBUGGING CODE -- you can uncomment this if you want to see it work
print("Levels are:")
powerCheck(n, nSims)
#Sample values
powerCheck(50, 100)
powerCheck(80, 1000)
powerCheck(200, 5000)