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2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
# test data directory: /gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/program_testing/
# load in the paritioned directories
#for a given file we want to get the count data and produce a csv
2025-02-02 20:16:42 +00:00
readme_pub_info <- "/mmfs1/gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/govdoc-cr-data/final_data/metadata/README_publication_commits.csv"
contributing_pub_info <- "/mmfs1/gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/govdoc-cr-data/final_data/metadata/CONTRIBUTING_publication_commits.csv"
readme_dir <- "/mmfs1/gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/govdoc-cr-data/final_data/main_commit_data/readme/"
contributing_dir <- "/mmfs1/gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/govdoc-cr-data/final_data/main_commit_data/contributing/"
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
2025-02-02 20:16:42 +00:00
#test_file <- "/mmfs1/gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/govdoc-cr-data/13125_hyak_test/main_commit_data/contributing/_voxpupuli_beaker_commits.csv"
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
transform_commit_data <- function(filepath, ref_df){
#basic, loading in the file
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
df = read.csv(filepath, header = TRUE)
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
temp_df <- df
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
dir_path = dirname(filepath)
file_name = basename(filepath)
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
# isolate project id
project_id <- sub("_commits\\.csv$", "", file_name)
project_id <- sub("^_", "", project_id)
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
#make sure the dates are formatted correctly and state the project_id
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
df <- df |>
mutate(commit_date = ymd_hms(commit_date)) |>
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
mutate(project_id = project_id)
#find the publication entry, in the specified df
matched_entry <- ref_df |>
filter(repo_id == project_id)
2025-02-02 20:16:42 +00:00
commit_date <- min(as.Date(matched_entry$commit_date))
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
#get information about project age either in the "present"
#or at the time of first commit
oldest_commit_date <- min(as.Date(df$commit_date))
project_age <- as.numeric(as.Date("2024-06-24") - oldest_commit_date)
age_at_commit <- as.numeric(commit_date - oldest_commit_date)
#add that to the data
df <- df |>
mutate(age = project_age,
age_at_commit = age_at_commit)
#we are looking at weekly data, 6m before and 6m after
start_date <- commit_date %m-% months(6)
end_date <- commit_date %m+% months(6)
introduction_week <- floor_date(commit_date, "week")
#filler for when there are weeks without commits
all_weeks <- seq.Date(floor_date(start_date, "week"), floor_date(end_date, "week"), by = "week")
complete_weeks_df <- expand.grid(week = all_weeks,
project_id = project_id,
age = project_age,
age_at_commit = age_at_commit)
#add a column with the floored week
df <- df |>
mutate(week = floor_date(commit_date, "week"))
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
#for each week, get the list of unique authors that committed
cumulative_authors <- df %>%
arrange(week) %>%
group_by(week) %>%
summarize(cumulative_author_emails = list(unique(author_email)), .groups = 'drop')
#same for each committer
cumulative_committers <- df %>%
arrange(week) %>%
group_by(week) %>%
summarize(cumulative_committer_emails = list(unique(committer_email)), .groups = 'drop')
#now cut out the commit data that we don't care about
df <- df |>
filter(as.Date(commit_date) >= start_date & as.Date(commit_date) <= end_date)
#in order:
# - we group by project, week, ages
# - and we summarize commit and authorship details
# - we then fill in information for missingness
# - and add in vars for before/after
# - and weekly index
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
weekly_commits <- df |>
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
group_by(project_id, week, age, age_at_commit) |>
summarise(commit_count = n(),
author_emails = list(unique(author_email)),
committer_emails = list(unique(committer_email)),
.groups = 'drop') |>
right_join(complete_weeks_df, by=c("week", "project_id", "age", "age_at_commit")) |>
replace_na(list(commit_count = 0)) |>
mutate(before_after = if_else(week < floor_date(commit_date, "week"), 0, 1)) |>
mutate(week_index = as.integer(difftime(week,
units = "weeks")))
# then, to get the authorship details in
# we check if the email data is present, if not we fill in blank
# we bring in the information about authorship lists that we already had
# then comparing the current week's author list with the previous week's cumulative list, or empty
# ---- the length of that difference is the 'new' value
# then we delete out the author list information
weekly_with_authorship <- weekly_commits |>
author_emails = ifelse(is.na(author_emails), list(character()), author_emails),
committer_emails = ifelse(is.na(committer_emails), list(character()), committer_emails)
) |>
left_join(cumulative_authors, by = "week") |>
left_join(cumulative_committers, by = "week") |>
mutate(new_author_emails = mapply(function(x, y) length(setdiff(x, y)), author_emails, lag(cumulative_author_emails, default = list(character(1)))),
new_committer_emails = mapply(function(x, y) length(setdiff(x, y)), committer_emails, lag(cumulative_committer_emails, default = list(character(1))))) |>
select(-author_emails, -committer_emails, -cumulative_author_emails, -cumulative_committer_emails)
#gracefully exit
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
#then for all files in a directory
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
transform_directory_of_commit_data <- function(is_readme) {
ref_df <- read.csv(contributing_pub_info)
dir_path <- contributing_dir
if (is_readme){
ref_df <- read.csv(readme_pub_info)
dir_path <- readme_dir
counted_list <- list()
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
file_list <- list.files(path = dir_path, pattern = "*.csv", full.names = TRUE)
for (filepath in file_list) {
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
transformed_data <- transform_commit_data(filepath, ref_df)
counted_list <- append(counted_list, list(transformed_data))
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
counted_df <- bind_rows(counted_list)
2025-01-30 04:24:43 +00:00
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
#below is for contributing file
2025-02-02 20:16:42 +00:00
#test_big_df <- transform_directory_of_commit_data(is_readme=FALSE)
#output_filepath <-"/mmfs1/gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/govdoc-cr-data/final_data/CONTRIBUTING_weekly_count_data.csv"
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
#below is for readme
2025-02-02 20:16:42 +00:00
big_df <- transform_directory_of_commit_data(is_readme=TRUE)
output_filepath <-"/mmfs1/gscratch/comdata/users/mjilg/govdoc-cr-data/final_data/README_weekly_count_data.csv"
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
#validation testing
2025-02-02 20:16:42 +00:00
2025-02-01 05:09:18 +00:00
#filtered_df <- test_big_df %>%
# filter(commit_count != 0, new_author_emails == 0, new_committer_emails == 0)
#another graceful exit
2025-02-02 20:16:42 +00:00
write.csv(big_df, output_filepath, row.names = FALSE)