Matthew Gaughan fffb738a4e hw1
2025-02-05 20:39:48 -08:00

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pdftitle={Homework 1},
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\title{Homework 1}
Matthew Gaughan, Assignment 1 for Sociology 476: Computational Content
\subsection{Task 0}\label{task-0}
\NormalTok{string\_0 }\OtherTok{\textless{}{-}} \StringTok{"Before you get started, I have to ask you for a quick favor. I lost my}
\StringTok{key. Could you please search for it and grab it from this string here}
\StringTok{using regex?"}
\NormalTok{string\_1 }\OtherTok{\textless{}{-}} \StringTok{"Ah, thanks! But, actually, that was the wrong key. Actually, its this}
\StringTok{key that I need. I dont need the first key. Can you get this one using}
\StringTok{a single regex?"}
\NormalTok{string\_2 }\OtherTok{\textless{}{-}} \StringTok{"Given the confusion weve had with keys lately, I was wondering whether}
\StringTok{it would make sense to use colored keys. For instance, wed have a yellow}
\StringTok{key, a purple key, and a red key, etc. And then you could just grab all}
\StringTok{those at once with a single regex, but you wouldnt accidentally get}
\StringTok{some other key. Couldnt you? By the way, I found my NU{-}ID {-} this purple}
\StringTok{keycard I had been searching for so long."}