414 lines
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414 lines
16 KiB
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from enum import Enum
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool
from pyspark.mllib.linalg.distributed import CoordinateMatrix
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import pyarrow
import pyarrow.dataset as ds
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pathlib
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
class tf_weight(Enum):
MaxTF = 1
Norm05 = 2
# infile = "/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_similarity/tfidf_weekly/comment_terms.parquet"
# cache_file = "/gscratch/comdata/users/nathante/cdsc_reddit/similarities/term_tfidf_entries_bak.parquet"
# subreddits missing after this step don't have any terms that have a high enough idf
# try rewriting without merges
# does reindex_tfidf, but without reindexing.
def reindex_tfidf(*args, **kwargs):
df, tfidf_ds, ds_filter = _pull_or_reindex_tfidf(*args, **kwargs, reindex=True)
print("assigning names")
subreddit_names = tfidf_ds.to_table(filter=ds_filter,columns=['subreddit','subreddit_id'])
batches = subreddit_names.to_batches()
with Pool(cpu_count()) as pool:
chunks = pool.imap_unordered(pull_names,batches)
subreddit_names = pd.concat(chunks,copy=False).drop_duplicates()
subreddit_names = subreddit_names.set_index("subreddit_id")
new_ids = df.loc[:,['subreddit_id','subreddit_id_new']].drop_duplicates()
new_ids = new_ids.set_index('subreddit_id')
subreddit_names = subreddit_names.join(new_ids,on='subreddit_id').reset_index()
subreddit_names = subreddit_names.drop("subreddit_id",axis=1)
subreddit_names = subreddit_names.sort_values("subreddit_id_new")
return(df, subreddit_names)
def pull_tfidf(*args, **kwargs):
df, _, _ = _pull_or_reindex_tfidf(*args, **kwargs, reindex=False)
return df
def _pull_or_reindex_tfidf(infile, term_colname, min_df=None, max_df=None, included_subreddits=None, topN=None, week=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, rescale_idf=True, tf_family=tf_weight.MaxTF, reindex=True):
print(f"loading tfidf {infile}, week {week}, min_df {min_df}, max_df {max_df}", flush=True)
if week is not None:
tfidf_ds = ds.dataset(infile, partitioning='hive')
tfidf_ds = ds.dataset(infile)
if included_subreddits is None:
included_subreddits = select_topN_subreddits(topN)
included_subreddits = set(map(str.strip,open(included_subreddits)))
ds_filter = ds.field("subreddit").isin(included_subreddits)
if min_df is not None:
ds_filter &= ds.field("count") >= min_df
if max_df is not None:
ds_filter &= ds.field("count") <= max_df
if week is not None:
ds_filter &= ds.field("week") == week
if from_date is not None:
ds_filter &= ds.field("week") >= from_date
if to_date is not None:
ds_filter &= ds.field("week") <= to_date
term = term_colname
term_id = term + '_id'
term_id_new = term + '_id_new'
projection = {
if not rescale_idf:
projection = {
print(projection, flush=True)
print(ds_filter, flush=True)
df = tfidf_ds.to_table(filter=ds_filter,columns=projection)
df = df.to_pandas(split_blocks=True,self_destruct=True)
if reindex:
print("assigning indexes",flush=True)
df['subreddit_id_new'] = df.groupby("subreddit_id").ngroup() + 1
df['subreddit_id_new'] = df['subreddit_id']
if reindex:
grouped = df.groupby(term_id)
df[term_id_new] = grouped.ngroup() + 1
df[term_id_new] = df[term_id]
if rescale_idf:
print("computing idf", flush=True)
df['new_count'] = grouped[term_id].transform('count')
N_docs = df.subreddit_id_new.max() + 1
df['idf'] = np.log(N_docs/(1+df.new_count),dtype='float32') + 1
if tf_family == tf_weight.MaxTF:
df["tf_idf"] = df.relative_tf * df.idf
else: # tf_fam = tf_weight.Norm05
df["tf_idf"] = (0.5 + 0.5 * df.relative_tf) * df.idf
return (df, tfidf_ds, ds_filter)
# with Pool(cpu_count()) as pool:
# chunks = pool.imap_unordered(pull_names,batches)
# subreddit_names = pd.concat(chunks,copy=False).drop_duplicates()
# subreddit_names = subreddit_names.set_index("subreddit_id")
# new_ids = df.loc[:,['subreddit_id','subreddit_id_new']].drop_duplicates()
# new_ids = new_ids.set_index('subreddit_id')
# subreddit_names = subreddit_names.join(new_ids,on='subreddit_id').reset_index()
# subreddit_names = subreddit_names.drop("subreddit_id",1)
# subreddit_names = subreddit_names.sort_values("subreddit_id_new")
# return(df, subreddit_names)
def pull_names(batch):
def similarities(inpath, simfunc, term_colname, outfile, min_df=None, max_df=None, included_subreddits=None, topN=500, from_date=None, to_date=None, tfidf_colname='tf_idf'):
tfidf_colname: set to 'relative_tf' to use normalized term frequency instead of tf-idf, which can be useful for author-based similarities.
def proc_sims(sims, outfile):
if issparse(sims):
sims = sims.todense()
print(f"shape of sims:{sims.shape}")
sims = pd.DataFrame(sims)
sims = sims.rename({i:sr for i, sr in enumerate(subreddit_names.subreddit.values)}, axis=1)
sims['_subreddit'] = subreddit_names.subreddit.values
p = Path(outfile)
output_feather = Path(str(p).replace("".join(p.suffixes), ".feather"))
output_csv = Path(str(p).replace("".join(p.suffixes), ".csv"))
output_parquet = Path(str(p).replace("".join(p.suffixes), ".parquet"))
p.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
term = term_colname
term_id = term + '_id'
term_id_new = term + '_id_new'
entries, subreddit_names = reindex_tfidf(inpath, term_colname=term_colname, min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df, included_subreddits=included_subreddits, topN=topN,from_date=from_date,to_date=to_date)
mat = csr_matrix((entries[tfidf_colname],(entries[term_id_new]-1, entries.subreddit_id_new-1)))
print("loading matrix")
# mat = read_tfidf_matrix("term_tfidf_entries7ejhvnvl.parquet", term_colname)
print(f'computing similarities on mat. mat.shape:{mat.shape}')
print(f"size of mat is:{mat.data.nbytes}",flush=True)
sims = simfunc(mat)
del mat
if hasattr(sims,'__next__'):
for simmat, name in sims:
proc_sims(simmat, Path(outfile)/(str(name) + ".feather"))
proc_sims(sims, outfile)
def write_weekly_similarities(path, sims, week, names):
sims['week'] = week
p = pathlib.Path(path)
if not p.is_dir():
# reformat as a pairwise list
sims = sims.melt(id_vars=['_subreddit','week'],value_vars=names.subreddit.values)
sims.to_parquet(p / week.isoformat())
def column_overlaps(mat):
non_zeros = (mat != 0).astype('double')
intersection = non_zeros.T @ non_zeros
card1 = non_zeros.sum(axis=0)
den = np.add.outer(card1,card1) - intersection
return intersection / den
def test_lsi_sims():
term = "term"
term_id = term + '_id'
term_id_new = term + '_id_new'
t1 = time.perf_counter()
entries, subreddit_names = reindex_tfidf("/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_similarity/tfidf/comment_terms_100k_repartitioned.parquet",
t2 = time.perf_counter()
print(f"first load took:{t2 - t1}s")
entries, subreddit_names = reindex_tfidf("/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_similarity/tfidf/comment_terms_100k.parquet",
print(f"second load took:{t3 - t2}s")
mat = csr_matrix((entries['tf_idf'],(entries[term_id_new], entries.subreddit_id_new)))
sims = list(lsi_column_similarities(mat, [10,50]))
sims_og = sims
sims_test = list(lsi_column_similarities(mat,[10,50],algorithm='randomized',n_iter=10))
# n_components is the latent dimensionality. sklearn recommends 100. More might be better
# if n_components is a list we'll return a list of similarities with different latent dimensionalities
# if algorithm is 'randomized' instead of 'arpack' then n_iter gives the number of iterations.
# this function takes the svd and then the column similarities of it
# lsi_model_load = "/gscratch/comdata/users/nathante/competitive_exclusion_reddit/data/similarity/comment_terms_compex_LSI/1000_term_LSIMOD.pkl"
def lsi_column_similarities(tfidfmat,n_components=300,n_iter=10,random_state=1968,algorithm='randomized',lsi_model_save=None,lsi_model=None):
# first compute the lsi of the matrix
# then take the column similarities
if type(n_components) is int:
n_components = [n_components]
n_components = sorted(n_components,reverse=True)
svd_components = n_components[0]
if lsi_model is None:
print("running LSI",flush=True)
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=svd_components,random_state=random_state,algorithm=algorithm,n_iter=n_iter)
mod = svd.fit(tfidfmat.T)
mod = lsi_model
lsimat = mod.transform(tfidfmat.T)
if lsi_model_save is not None:
pickle.dump(mod, open(lsi_model_save,'wb'))
for n_dims in n_components:
print("computing similarities")
sims = column_similarities(lsimat[:,np.arange(n_dims)])
yield (sims, n_dims)
def column_similarities(mat):
return 1 - pairwise_distances(mat,metric='cosine')
def build_weekly_tfidf_dataset(df, include_subs, term_colname, tf_family=tf_weight.Norm05):
term = term_colname
term_id = term + '_id'
# aggregate counts by week. now subreddit-term is distinct
df = df.filter(df.subreddit.isin(include_subs))
df = df.groupBy(['subreddit',term,'week']).agg(f.sum('tf').alias('tf'))
max_subreddit_terms = df.groupby(['subreddit','week']).max('tf') # subreddits are unique
max_subreddit_terms = max_subreddit_terms.withColumnRenamed('max(tf)','sr_max_tf')
df = df.join(max_subreddit_terms, on=['subreddit','week'])
df = df.withColumn("relative_tf", df.tf / df.sr_max_tf)
# group by term. term is unique
idf = df.groupby([term,'week']).count()
N_docs = df.select(['subreddit','week']).distinct().groupby(['week']).agg(f.count("subreddit").alias("subreddits_in_week"))
idf = idf.join(N_docs, on=['week'])
# add a little smoothing to the idf
idf = idf.withColumn('idf',f.log(idf.subreddits_in_week) / (1+f.col('count'))+1)
# collect the dictionary to make a pydict of terms to indexes
terms = idf.select([term]).distinct() # terms are distinct
terms = terms.withColumn(term_id,f.row_number().over(Window.orderBy(term))) # term ids are distinct
# make subreddit ids
subreddits = df.select(['subreddit']).distinct()
subreddits = subreddits.withColumn('subreddit_id',f.row_number().over(Window.orderBy("subreddit")))
df = df.join(subreddits,on=['subreddit'])
# map terms to indexes in the tfs and the idfs
df = df.join(terms,on=[term]) # subreddit-term-id is unique
idf = idf.join(terms,on=[term])
# join on subreddit/term to create tf/dfs indexed by term
df = df.join(idf, on=[term_id, term,'week'])
# agg terms by subreddit to make sparse tf/df vectors
if tf_family == tf_weight.MaxTF:
df = df.withColumn("tf_idf", df.relative_tf * df.idf)
else: # tf_fam = tf_weight.Norm05
df = df.withColumn("tf_idf", (0.5 + 0.5 * df.relative_tf) * df.idf)
df = df.repartition('week')
dfwriter = df.write.partitionBy("week")
return dfwriter
def _calc_tfidf(df, term_colname, tf_family, min_df=None, max_df=None):
term = term_colname
term_id = term + '_id'
max_subreddit_terms = df.groupby(['subreddit']).max('tf') # subreddits are unique
max_subreddit_terms = max_subreddit_terms.withColumnRenamed('max(tf)','sr_max_tf')
df = df.join(max_subreddit_terms, on='subreddit')
df = df.withColumn("relative_tf", (df.tf / df.sr_max_tf))
# group by term. term is unique
idf = df.groupby([term]).count()
N_docs = df.select('subreddit').distinct().count()
# add a little smoothing to the idf
idf = idf.withColumn('idf',f.log(N_docs/(1+f.col('count')))+1)
# collect the dictionary to make a pydict of terms to indexes
terms = idf
if min_df is not None:
terms = terms.filter(f.col('count')>=min_df)
if max_df is not None:
terms = terms.filter(f.col('count')<=max_df)
terms = terms.select(term).distinct() # terms are distinct
terms = terms.withColumn(term_id,f.row_number().over(Window.orderBy(term))) # term ids are distinct
# make subreddit ids
subreddits = df.select(['subreddit']).distinct()
subreddits = subreddits.withColumn('subreddit_id',f.row_number().over(Window.orderBy("subreddit")))
df = df.join(subreddits,on='subreddit')
# map terms to indexes in the tfs and the idfs
df = df.join(terms,on=term,how='inner') # subreddit-term-id is unique
idf = idf.join(terms,on=term,how='inner')
# join on subreddit/term to create tf/dfs indexed by term
df = df.join(idf, on=[term_id, term],how='inner')
# agg terms by subreddit to make sparse tf/df vectors
if tf_family == tf_weight.MaxTF:
df = df.withColumn("tf_idf", df.relative_tf * df.idf)
else: # tf_fam = tf_weight.Norm05
df = df.withColumn("tf_idf", (0.5 + 0.5 * df.relative_tf) * df.idf)
return df
def tfidf_dataset(df, include_subs, term_colname, tf_family=tf_weight.Norm05, min_df=None, max_df=None):
term = term_colname
term_id = term + '_id'
df = df.filter(df.subreddit.isin(include_subs))
df = df.groupBy(['subreddit',term]).agg(f.sum('tf').alias('tf'))
df = _calc_tfidf(df, term_colname, tf_family, min_df, max_df)
df = df.repartition('subreddit')
dfwriter = df.write
return dfwriter
def select_topN_subreddits(topN, path="/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_similarity/subreddits_by_num_comments_nonsfw.csv"):
rankdf = pd.read_csv(path)
included_subreddits = set(rankdf.loc[rankdf.comments_rank <= topN,'subreddit'].values)
return included_subreddits
def repartition_tfidf(inpath="/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_similarity/tfidf/comment_terms_100k.parquet",
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
df = spark.read.parquet(inpath)
df = df.repartition(400,'subreddit')
def repartition_tfidf_weekly(inpath="/gscratch/comdata/output/reddit_similarity/tfidf_weekly/comment_terms.parquet",
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
df = spark.read.parquet(inpath)
df = df.repartition(400,'subreddit','week')
dfwriter = df.write.partitionBy("week")